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We are committed to being recognized as a  leader in  educational supports and  services, and to being the premier destination of choice for  all  people that wish to advance to academic and financial  self sufficiency


Community Resource



Community Resource Solutions ( CRS) provides Educational Support Servicesto organizations , grassroot non profits ,and individual entities thatprovide funding for at risk youth, individuals with intellectual disabilities andthe unemployed/underemployed/dislocated worker . We have a qualifiedstaff that continues to provide over 20 years of human service delivery withinthe Atlanta area. We work closely with the community and local and stateagencies to help facilitate instructional trainings to assist individuals towardcommunity resource connections, employability, money management andmobility which will lead to self sufficiency.


CRS assist in accessing socioeconomic supports for those participating in ourinstructional programs . We support the need for different types of publicagency or community services. We have great diversity with partnering withseveral social service agencies DFACS, TCSG, DBHDD, DJJ, public-schoolsystems/special education and the mental health community. As a company,we continue to include a high direction for individuals with mental health oridentified developmental diagnosis.


CRS provides instructional training to assist individuals in identifying his/herhighest potential for intellectual and personal growth in 1:1 or a small groupsetting . Services include afterschool tutoring for K-12 while following theSTEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics)curriculum . We provide academic supports for college bound students andworkplace employees.


Daily we provide assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, continuing
psychiatric care in consultation, education, training and research to individuals,
families, healthcare and state agencies, community mental health programs,
general practitioners, and local providers which includes weekly home and site
visitations throughout the mental health and developmental service system
which has exposed us to varying degrees of investigations, training and
technical assistance. Our trainers apply differentiated instruction which
allows clients the overall potential to learn strategies to improve upon
benchmark and daily life skills which includes job readiness.
The diversity of our services provides us with the capabilities of strong
detailed file documentation, patience, crisis intervention, building effective

client/ worker relationships, project management, time management,
delegation, community outreach, staff training, multi-task decision making and
policy interpretation within a given organization.

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