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CRS will provide year round coordinated supports in the
following areas for students ages 16-24 :


Career Advisement
Certification Training
Employment Assistance

Life Skills Workshops( Anger Management, Money Management, Parenting,
Hygiene, Social Conduct, Critical Thinking)
Mentoring Services
Paid/Unpaid Work Experience
Tutoring/ Study Skills Assistance
Leadership Development
Alternative Secondary School Services
Follow-up Services


CRS will provide job readiness that will offer  training
program courses in the following areas:
Career Advisement
Personal & Social adjustments for the workplace
Work Literacy
Mobility Training
Resume Writing
Job Searching Techniques
Interview Skills
 Job Sustainability
Job Development for Career Advancements
Vocational Education
Employment Skills Training
Follow -up Services


CRS will provide standard based academic tutoring via the
College and Career Readiness Standards  (CCRS) curriculum to assist students
with the following :
Tutoring/ Study Skills Assistance in the following Testing areas : GED /ACT /SAT
Leadership Development
Alternative Secondary School Services
Life Skills Workshops
Financial Aide Consultation


CRS will provide :afterschool tutoring for students (
small group or 1:1) for all academic subjects K -12.


CRS will advocate for families with K- 12 and college
level students to maintain ongoing classroom , community supports and
academic services which include assistive technologies identified in the
Individualized Educational Plan ( IEP )and the Individualized Service Plan (ISP).


CRS will guide individuals with
intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviors  with finding needed services
in the community.


CRS will provide social service providers,
educators and other professionals guidance with standards, policies and
procedures with state and local agencies for community outreach resources
and activities.

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